Because the way we kiss is better than any drug, because when i'm with you, i believe in love. ♥

About Me

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I love reading books lol and I guess that pretty obvious but I read books cuz I enjoy it. Mostly I go with fiction and that too a romance with thriller or a mystery romance. Thats my usual but I pretty much read anything that interests me =)I can be reading a book on Afghanistan for all you know LOL I have my moments. Oh and incase you havent noticed, im a romantic fool =)

Sunday 26 September 2010


SO  I was cleaning my kitchen and I'm about to throw away my cereal box when my creative genes kick in! And I desperately want to do something with it =P SO I made a file folder =D and I'm here to show it to you!


 I didn't really have anything next to me but the newspapers I had just cut so I put them in it. But you can put magazines or anything you want! Its real quick and easy =)
I'm really sorry I couldn't do a step-to-step or how to but I didn't know if it would really look nice but I kinda had fun and I'll do more DIYs when I get time =)

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